

发布时间: 2024-05-17 09:43:11北京青年报社官方账号

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"During the past few years, it has helped us to reduce (the time spent on) administrative and border control procedures by three-fourths, to allow trains to transit faster through Kazakhstan," Shaimergenov said.


"During the two-month break, I made over 400 yuan in total and bought a new dress for myself."


"Either people are careless about it and hurt people's feelings, or they are overly cautious and patronizing," he added. "So I think the only way to get into that sensible middle ground between the two is to talk about it openly, about my experiences, about my thoughts and also to give people a break – people who always think they are on the edge of being culturally or racially insensitive – to kind of get on their side a little and show them they don't have to worry so much. So that's the line I am trying to tread."


"Everyone can get 450 () yuan per day, and we can make about 9,000 yuan by the time we go home. That can make up a large part of my family's income."


"During this official winter sports theme year between Finland and China, we hope to build Finland as an attractive destination for winter activities and sports for the Chinese market," said Paavo Virkkunen, head of Visit Finland. He said in the past few years the number of Chinese tourists coming to Finland has been growing at a steady pace.


